New Learners

R.K. Mellon Elementary School currently enrolls approximately 430 learners in K4 through fifth grade. Learners engage in a challenging language arts, science, and math curriculum enhanced by art/music/physical education/library/computer and STEM classes. Special Education services are available for identified exceptional learners. Gifted Support services are provided for identified learners in K - 5th grade.

READING SERIES: Guided Reading

MATH SERIES: Customized Number Worlds (Special education)

WRITING: Writer's Workshop

Mellon School RAMS practice important social skills. Students recite a daily promise:

RESPECT matters.


Make HONEST choices.


Mellon School is a NO BULLYING/TEASING zone. Our learners treat themselves and each other with RESPECT. BULLYING and TEASING are NEVER tolerated and ALWAYS result in parent conferencing, behavior support and/or disciplinary action if warranted. Mellon School welcomes new students at any time during the school year. Teachers provide newcomers with a classroom buddy to assist in learner adjustment. New learners may meet with the School Counselor individually and in small groups to assess their comfort level and are able to access the Counselor as needed until they feel a part of the Mellon School family. Regular transition programs are provided for incoming K4, kindergarten and outgoing fifth graders. These programs are designed to transition K4/K to the school environment and fifth grade to the Middle School concept. Elementary learners from RKM and LVE also meet regularly to establish social relationships.

A tour of the school and review of the curriculum can be arranged by contacting the School Counselor for an appointment via phone or e-mail.