
COUNSELOR: Ms. Amy K. Salay

SCHOOL: R.K. Mellon Elementary School

SCHOOL PHONE: 724-238-5663


Virtual Office Hours --Levels 3-5/ M-Thurs. 9:30 - 11:30, Fri. 10:00 - 11:00 ZOOM--https://wiu7.zoom.us/j/532715865

Levels K4-2/ M- Thurs. 9:30 - 11:30, Fri. 10:00 - 11:00

ZOOM -- https://wiu7.zoom.us/j/417853288?pwd=N3AxOWRnU1k0OGl4RklvQTduRUJSZz09

ROX -- (5th grade girls) -- FRIDAYS 11:00 - 12:00 ZOOM --https://wiu7.zoom.us/j/420092939

About The Counselor

EDUCATION: B.A. Psychology -- Clarion University of Pennsylvania

M.Ed. Counseling -- Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Certification -- PA Educational Specialist I


ASCA-- American School Counselors Assoc.

PSCA--PA Counselors Assoc.

WSCA--Wstmld. Counselors Assoc. Past President

PSEA--PA State Ed. Assoc. ACE (Advocate for Children and Education)

NEA--National Ed. Assoc.

LVEA--Ligonier Valley Ed. Assoc.

Young Writer's Coordinator /Summer Institute Adjunct Faculty I.U.P.

NWP--National Writing Project (SPWP--Soutcentral PA Writing Project at I.U.P.)


S.T.A.R.S.--Bridging out of Poverty Initiative

"Getting Ahead" -Poverty Project Facilitator

Food2Go -- Building Coordinator

Fort Ligonier -- Education Advisory Council

Mission Of The Department

The Counselor's Role: The mission of the LVSD career and counseling program is to provide a comprehensive,

developmental counseling program that is committed to upholding the worth and dignity of every student.

The counseling program shall address the academic, career and personal/social needs of all students. LVSD

counselors are specifically credentialed, professional school advocates who work in partnership with other educators,

parents, and the community. They ensure that all students maximize their potential in order to become

productive, responsible citizens prepared with the skills and knowledge necessary for college and career

readiness for the 21st century.