World History

World History is a year-long required survey course that explores the key events and global historical developments that have shaped the world we live in today. The scope of World History provides the latitude to range widely across all aspects of human experience: economics, science, religion, philosophy, politics & law, military conflict, literature & the arts. The course will illuminate connections between our lives and those of our ancestors around the world. Students will uncover patterns of behavior, identify historical trends and themes, explore historical movements and concepts, and test theories. Students will refine their ability to read for comprehension and critical analysis; summarize, categorize, compare, and evaluate information; write clearly and convincingly; express facts and opinions orally; and use technology appropriately to present information.

WH syllabus

“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.”

-Abraham Lincoln

Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance (1).doc