What your child's writing may look like.

Deer Pair Ants,

Ur Stoodnt wil b brnging hom riting. Doo not b skaird ov the speling. The inclish langwij iz kunfewzing two lern. Cidz Uz "phonetic" speling in thair wrk to expres thair thouts. Foursing cidz too uz cunvenshunal speling redoss thair dezire and abillite to right. It iz mi joub to teech ur child 2 uz reesorsis and lerning to becum a "smartie Writer".

U kan hlp child bi incoraging thim at eech divelupmentil stag. Axk ur child to reed and esplane thair riting to u. As ur child lerns about the inglish langwij, tha wil mak the tranzishun to "adult writing". Thak u 4 ur saport.

Mistr See

One of the biggest achievements your child will have this year is in their writing. But.... Before we get there, don't get worried if you see this....

Through our spelling units, and daily writing lesson, your child will learn how to become a better writer. This will be evident in many facets of their writing pieces.