When Your Child Comes To An Unknown Word

Parents will tell a child to “sound out” an unknown word.

Frequently that prompt is successful and the word is decoded.

When sounding it out doesn’t work, adults usually tell the word

and the reading continues. Our goal is to help children become

independent readers. Here are some alternative suggestions for

parents to use when your child confronts an unknown word.

*Wait 5-10 sec. to see what attempts are made. Ask:

“What would make sense there?”

*Use the picture to help figure out the word.

*Skip the word and continue reading to the end of the sentence.

*Go back and read the sentence again.

*If the word was on a previous page, go back and try to find it.

*Look for a smaller word in a big one. (chunk)

*Cover the ending (-ed, -ing) with your finger and try the word.

*Look how the word begins.

*Help with blending (sounding it out).

*Let the sound “pop” right out.

*Tell the word and keep on reading.

*It is important that children learn to use these strategies

independently. When your child “figures out” a word, you might

ask how he/she did it. Telling about their reading helps to

reinforce learning. Always praise their effort!!!