Communication  Arts

"Read on and be amazed." - Ellin Keene


A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. It includes a subject and a predicate. 

The subject tells whom or what the sentence is about. 

The predicate tells what the subject does or is. 

Example: Patricia rides up steep hills.  

A sentence fragment does not express a complete thought.  

Compound Sentence connects two simple sentences using conjunctions, or connecting words, and, but, or or.  Place a comma before the conjunction. 

Complex Sentence is made up of a group of words that can stand on its own and a group of words that cannot.  No comma is needed before the conjunction.  

A run-on sentence is made up of two or more sentences that run together without punctuation or a connecting word.  


Prepositions are words used to show the relationship between words.  

Examples:  in, on, at, around, below, across, under 

Prepositional Phrase:  includes a preposition, a noun or pronoun, and any other words in between.  

Example:  Colorful pictures on the poster show safety tips. 

Reading Comprehension Strategies: 

- using text features

- questioning

- recognizing story elements

- making inferences

- visualizing

- analyzing how texts are organized

- determining important ideas and supporting details 

Anchor Charts:



An adjective is a word that tells about a noun or a pronoun.  Adjectives can tell about amount, opinion, size, shape, or color usually in that order.  


Angie has several excellent little moves she uses in basketball.  

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Quick Reference : 

Questions About My Writing

*    What part did you like best?

*    Is anything confusing?

*    What can I write to make it clearer? 


A noun is a word that names a person, place or thing/idea. 

A singular noun names one, and a plural noun names more than one. 

* add -s to form the plural of most nouns: brothers, sisters. 

* add -es to nous that end with s, x, sh, or ch: buses, boxes, wishes

* change y to an i and add -es to a noun that ends with a consonant +y: blueberries

* change the spelling for the plural of some irregular nouns: man/ men

A possessive noun shows ownership: 

*add 's to make singular nouns possessive; Kevin's jacket

*add an apostrophe after the s for plurals that end with s: the dogs' bones

*add 's for plurals that do not end with s: the children's shoes 


Subject Pronoun:  replaces a noun that is the subject of a sentence:  It tells whom or what the sentence is about.  

Object Pronoun:  replaces a noun that receives the action  of the verb:  It can also follow words such as with, to, of, for, from. 

Possessive Pronoun:  shows ownership. 

Relative Pronoun:  introduces a group of words that gives more information about a noun or another pronoun in the sentence. 


A verb tells what someone or something does, is, or is like.   Sometimes an action verb is made up of two words:  a main verb and a helping verb. The main verb describes the action; the helping verb usually comes before the main verb and does not show an action.  

Example:  Sometimes these birds may destroy the nests of other birds. 

Linking Verbs do not show action.  Instead, they link or connect, the subject to words that tell what the subject is or is like - much the way an equals sign works in math.  

Present-tense verbs tell about something happening now.  

Past-tense verbs tell about something that has already happened. 

Future-tense verbs tell about something that is going to happen in the future. 


An adverb is a word that tells about a verb or an adjective.  Adverbs can tell when, where, how, or to what extent.  


Angie dribbles the ball steadily and then stops. 

The relative adverbs when, where, and why each introduce a group of words that tells more about a noun or pronoun in the sentences. 


Uncle Leo's house is the place where the family will gather. 

Great-Grandma Maggie's 85th birthday is the reason why the family will all be together. 

The party will be held on a day when everyone is free.

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