Word Study

Word Sort Activities

  1. Students cut words apart

  2. Students sort words using the headings multiple times

  3. Students write their sorts into columns in their word study journals, then write a big idea statement at the bottom stating what they learned from their word sort

  4. Students use a dictionary to look up the origin, definition, and pronunciation of the words

  5. Students do a word hunt, looking for words that mirror the features of their sorts. Look in daily reading, dictionaries, and online resources to find related words. (Yourdictionary.com, onelook.com)

  6. Students work in partners to improve their automaticity in speed sorts (timed sorts, blind sorts, and writing sorts)

Helpful Links


Using Context Clues Slideshow

Independent Word Study Activities for Centers

Nifty Thrifty Fifty Cards

*Using a copy of this month's morpheme chart, make cards with each prefix, root word, and suffix on its own card. If possible, the prefixes should be written in green, the roots in black, and the suffixes in red.

*Mix and match the cards to create our Nifty Thrifty Fifty Words, making sure to discuss the meaning of each part and word.

*Create two additional words by combining prefixes, root words, and suffixes from the chart.

*Create at least one neologism. A neologism is a new word that is made of common prefixes, root words, and suffixes. A neologism doesn't currently exist as a real word, but it makes sense. For example, texting has become a real word, but was previously a neologism. Examples could include debeautyize, which could mean to take away something's beauty.

*Write down your new words (both real and made-up)

Hint- if you are having trouble making new words or neologisms, use cards from a previous month's list.

August/September Morpheme Chart

October Morpheme Chart

January Morpheme Chart

December Morpheme Chart

November Morpheme Chart

What Looks Right?

A good writer generally writes the word a way she or he thinks it should be spelled, then decides if it "looks right". If it does, she or he continues the writing. If it doesn't s/he checks it in the dictionary.


1) Look at the different spelling patterns below.

2) Read each word to yourself and ask, "Does it look right?"

3) Write ONLY THE CORRECT WORD in the appropriate column.

4) Then find the word in the dictionary to prove it is the correct spelling. Write the page number of the entry next to the word to prove you looked it up.

Scavenger Hunt- Words with the suffix -less

Use any type of reading material to find words with the identified pattern Record your words on your paper. Cross out any words that look like they would fit, but don't actually meet the pattern requirements. For example, you might find the word story, but cross it out because "stor" is not a word.

Prefix Sort: en-

Place each word in one of the columns depending on how the prefix is used in the word. The root word for encouragement is courage. So, encouragement is made of the prefix en-, which means "in", the root word courage, and the suffix -ment. Encouragement fits in the first column. Enter begins with en-, but -ter isn't a word, so enter fits in the second column. Enough begins with en-. However, ough isn't a word, and the en- doesn't have the same pronunciation as the en- in encouragement. So enough goes in the last column.

Put each of these words in the correct column:

enthusiasm enclose endanger English entire enlarge enjoy enormous engine energy


Word Detectives

Word detectives is a game where you ask yourself the following important questions about words:

-Do I know any other words that look and sound like this word?

-Are any of these words look-alike/sound-alike words related to each other?

1) Study the word.

2) Then make a list of all the words you can think of that look or sound like the word.

3) Underline the parts of the word that look similar.

4) Circle the words that are related to our original word.

5) Sort the words, add category headings- you may choose to use a tree map for this.

6) Add any additional words you know under your headings.

Our word: geothermal

All independent practice should be turned in to me in a packet at the end of the unit.

Word Work in Groups

Day 1: Introduce pattern/ sort/ teacher guided

Day 2: Repeat the sort- look for sorts by sound and by pattern

Day 3: Repeat the sort and your choice of games:

-Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

-Triangle Spelling

-CV colors

Directions for all games