Our Classroom

The 8 C's of Learning

Curiosity- The ability to ask questions and explore how the world works

Creativity- The ability to generate new ideas and to apply them in practice

Criticism- The ability to analyze information and ideas and to form reasoned arguments and judgments

Communication- The ability to express thoughts and feelings clearly and confidently in a range of media and forms

Collaboration- The ability to work constructively with others

Compassion- The ability to empathize with others and to act accordingly

Composure- The ability to connect with the inner life of feeling and develop a sense of personal harmony and balance

Citizenship- The ability to engage constructively with society and to participate in the processes that sustain it

Differentiated Classroom Teacher Promises

Our classroom follows the school-wide positive behavior system with our acronym of TEAM: Teamwork matters, Embrace kindness, Act respectfully, and Make safe choices. We nominate each other for TEAM awards that recognize these important life traits.

We know who we are both individually and collectively, and who we want to be. Our class will create a name, motto, logo, and more in a project-based learning unit cerntered around our knowledge of self, others, and our place in the world.

PBIS Matrix (TEAM).pdf