Eagle Outreach: MAD Week

MAD: "Make a Difference"


Our Mission Statement:

To create better relationships within the Heritage Community and build bridges, both locally and globally. Through our actions, we hope to inspire the members of this community to engage as active citizens. We strive to represent the voice of our student body and demonstrate that anyone can Make A Difference.

What we do: Members focus on providing community service within our school and community. Our big project every year is planning and running Make A Difference (MAD) Week every spring. You can see what we're doing this year by selecting the MAD Week link in the left navigation bar. You can also read about the various projects our members and student body have supported over the years by going to the MAD Week History link.

Our Officers: 

 Our Sponsors:

MAD Week is a week during April where the whole school makes an effort towards raising funds for the year’s voted cause. Eagle Outreach helps coordinate days and events, like Dress-Up Days, Dine-Out Nights, Dollar Delays, Senior Showdown, Student vs. Staff basketball game and more!  See the calendar of events below and we hope to see you there!

Check this calendar regularly to see when meetings are scheduled and events planned.