English 9 Honors

Summer Notice:

For English 9 Honors, there is no summer work assigned. We will hit the ground running once the school-year begins, but no work over the summer.

If you are interested in purchasing your own texts for this course, we will begin with Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (there is no preference on edition).


You will need a computer, and 2 highlighters.

In addition, students are encouraged to purchase their own books.

You will need the following books, in this order:

  • Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (any edition)

  • Odyssey: a Graphic Novel by Gareth Hinds (ISBN: 978-0-7636-4268-6)

  • The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd (any edition)

  • Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Folger's Edition ISBN: 978-0-8479-2805-7)

If you decide not to purchase your own book, PDFs will be provided for you on google classroom.

All work is posted on google classroom. Email me if you need the class code (given in class).

Course Overview:

This rigorous course gives highly motivated students extensive practice in analytical thinking by presenting content based on The Colorado Academic Standards: oral expression and listening, reading for all purposes, writing and composition, and research and reasoning. Students in 9 Honors are expected and encouraged to function as independent thinkers as demonstrated through their verbal expressions in a variety of situations. Students will also apply listening strategies to analyze a speaker’s purpose, gain information, and interpret meaning in both formal and informal settings. Similar to English 9, honors students will also read a variety of genres in their studies of traditional and contemporary literature, though the reading in this honors course is more rigorous and requires the reading of more selections. Students write literary, informative, and persuasive essays that demonstrate an understanding of critical thinking, analysis, originality, and organization, with much time spent editing and proofreading written work. Research and reasoning will be emphasized, as students evaluate, discern, and assess the validity of information from a variety of sources. The information gathered from the sources will be used to inform their audience. Though the curriculum is aligned to both The Colorado Academic Standards and the English 9 curriculum, the honors student is expected to perform at a higher level as they increase their knowledge in vocabulary, grammar, literary techniques and devices, poetry, and critical reading and writing. Success in this course will prepare students for AP Seminar/English 10.

The course emphasizes further knowledge, practice, and application of the four basic areas of communication: reading, writing, listening and speaking at an accelerated pace with high expectations. Students study literature as the primary, though not exclusive, basis for instruction in these skills. Students read novels, short stories, poetry, drama, nonfiction and essays as well as examine music and art in order to apply analyzing and reading strategies and to examine the elements of literature and literary techniques with the focus on interpretation and understanding. Students write both expository and creative multi-paragraph pieces with the emphasis on thematic analysis, critical thinking, and exploration. Students focus on content, editing, and proofreading to refine ideas as well as more sophisticated word choice and sentence structure. Students apply the research process to produce a documented essay. Students will also apply listening strategies in order to analyze a speaker’s purpose, gain information, and interpret meaning. Successful completion of this course prepares students for success in other classes.