

Hawaiian word for Land

A lot of the forests of Hawaii had been cleared for farm land, but now some areas are being "restored" as different organizations (like Hakalau Forest National Park) try to bring back the natural habitats of Hawai'i.

Hawai'i has many plants and birds that cannot be found anywhere else in the world and they rely on these "native" forests for survival.

Besides deforestation Hawai'i's native animals and plants are suffering from predation, loss of habitat, disease and competition from animals and plants that do not belong there including cows, goats, sheep, pigs, rats, frogs, mosquitos, and mongoose that are running loose all over the islands. (Yes, cows are running loose!) The only mammal that is native to Hawaii is a little bat!

In the pictures you should see giant Koa trees that Native Hawaiians used to make canoes for sailing across the ocean. You can also find ferns that grow as tall as trees (tree ferns) and Ohia trees that come in many different forms with different colored flowers. Of course you will also find plants that do not belong...infact many plants in the brochures for Hawai'i are not native to Hawai'i and may be damaging the native ecosystems.