Medication Information

Information About Medications in School

Longmeadow Public School Nurses are allowed to distribute medications such as Tylenol (Acetaminophen), and Motrin, Advil (Ibuprofen) for the treatment of headaches or menstrual cramps. At the beginning of every school year parents receive a form to be signed which gives the nurse permission to administer these medications. We consult with our school physician every year to review these medications.

The school has a stock supply of these medications; however in middle school we only stock the pill form of medications. If your child cannot swallow a pill, parents should supply a liquid or chewable version.

If your child has medications such as an Epipen or an inhaler for asthma, then your child's health care provider must write an order to that effect.

If your child needs a daily medication such as that for ADD or Diabetes, a signed physician's order must also be presented to the nurse.

All medication brought into school must be in the original labeled container. No medication will be given without the signed physician order. For your convenience, a blank form is below.