Winter Weather


Snow is Here!

Hooray for snow!  Here are a few reminders about snow and kindergarten.  Please be sure to label all of your child's belongings. Many of the students have similar items, and this will help with any confusion. Also, it will be easier to return items. 

It is tricky to pack snow items inside the students' backpacks with lunch boxes and folders.  We will line up our boots and snow pants in the hallway. Please send in a reusable grocery bag with your child's name on it. Hats, gloves and scarves will be stored inside your child's reusable bag. This way your child can place their snow pants in it and leave it next to their boots on their designated spot in the hallway. We will send home their sneakers in the reusable bag.

Lastly, many students may get their socks wet during play time, and we know that is not fun. It may be helpful to leave an extra pair of socks in a ziplock bag inside their backpack. Then, you will know when they have been used and they need a replacement. Also, please make sure your child’s extra set of clothes changed out for seasonally appropriate clothing if not yet done.