Marine Science


2.75 credits

Instructor: Mr. James Dibbern

565 – 4220 x 2355 room 207 / office 122

Text: There will be no text for this course. There will be notes, handouts, websites and videos

for all course information. All resources will be posted on Google Classroom.

Course: Seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. The Earth’s oceans are home to an extraordinary variety of living organisms adapted to the special conditions of the sea. In this course, students will be introduced to the biological, chemical, and physical properties of marine ecosystems. You will learn about marine life from single-celled organisms to the larger marine animals. The course will also explore current events in marine science, such as oil spills, coral bleaching and environmental impacts of, and on, the ocean.

Objectives: To gain a greater awareness, understanding and appreciation for marine science

Grading: There will be a variety of evaluation methods used during the year. All assignments will be given a point value. At the end of the semester all points will be added up and divided by the total possible points. Some point values are as follows:

Tests 80-100 points

Quizzes 20-30 points

Homework 10-20 points

Projects point values given at the time of assignment

Materials: Students should be prepared with a notebook and pen or pencil everyday and a laptop/phone if possible.

Absences: If a student is out sick then it is up to them to hand in their work the next day. I will not chase students for missing work. All assignments will be explained in class and posted on Google Classroom.


Attendance is important for understanding and keeping pace. Missing too much school can/will hinder your progress and can affect your grade. Show up and show up on time.

Teacher availability:

I am here most days after school for at least ½ hour. I am also in school most days by 7:15. Let me know that you want to meet with me and we will arrange something. I will offer reviews for quizzes/test the day before or the morning of exams.

Classroom policies:

● I expect that all students treat each other and their teacher with respect.

● Safety is a priority. Anyone not being safe will be removed from the lab.

● Cell phone use is not permitted in the classroom without teacher permission. Phones are to be put away and off before class begins. This will be strictly enforced. Phones are not to be taken out until after students leave the classroom.

● No electronic listening devices, or their attachments, or Iwatches are permitted to be used in the classroom for any reason without teacher permission. Do not wear earbuds/headphones while in class.

● I would encourage anyone having trouble with the material to come see me for extra help

● Have a successful year!!!