Biology 431

Biology 431 5.5 credits

Given: Full Year (7 periods per cycle)

Prerequisite: None

●This course fulfills one of the two required foundation courses in Science.

This course provides a solid foundation in major aspects of the biological world: chemistry of life, structure and

function of cells, genetics, evolution and biodiversity, anatomy and physiology, and ecology. Students will: design,

plan, and carry out investigations to answer scientific questions, develop and use models, analyze and interpret data,

engage in evidence-based arguments, and obtain, evaluate and communicate information.

Dissection is a part of the standard laboratory experience in Biology. Alternatives to dissection are available for any

student who objects to dissection and whose parent or guardian sends a written request to the school.

This course is designed to prepare students for success on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System



James Dibbern

Science Teacher/Dept. chair – Longmeadow High School

Classroom 209

office rm.122

Phone ext. 2355


Biology 431 (CP1)

Biology: the science that seeks to understand the living world (Prentice Hall)

The goal of this course is to teach biology in a classroom/lab environment so that a broad understanding of the science is achieved. The course will follow the state frameworks for high school biology and will prepare students for the planned science MCAS test. Some topics that will be covered are:

Chemistry of life (organic molecules)

Cell Biology (cell parts, cell division)

Genetics (DNA structure and replication, mutations, inheritance)

Anatomy and Physiology (all major body systems)

Evolution and Biodiversity

Ecology (food webs, natural cycles)

Textbook: Glencoe Biology McGraw Hill - ISBN – 978-0-07-677428-9

Material requirements:

Students should be prepared each day with their Chromebook (or own computer), notebook and something with which to write.


There will be a variety of evaluation methods used during the year. All assignments will be given a point value. At the end of the semester all earned points will be added and then divided by the total possible points. Some point values are as follows:

Tests 75-100 points (if given during remote learning)

Quizzes 20-30 points

Labs 20 -30 points

Homework 5-10 points

Google forms 5-10 points

Projects point values given at the time of assignment


Homework is not given daily. However, when it is given, it is due at the beginning of the period. All assignments will be announced in class and posted on Google Classroom in the stream or as a due date.


Attending class is key to the learning process so please make every effort to do so

Teacher availability:

I am usually at school from 7:15 - 3:00. If you need help with anything please ask me in person (preferred) or by email to arrange extra help. Try to let me know you are coming as my department chair duties take up my time as well. Mondays are difficult for me as I have meetings.

Classroom policies:

I expect that all students treat each other and their teacher with respect.

Safety is a priority. Anyone not being safe will be removed from the lab.

No electronic devices (cell phones, earbuds, smart watches) or their attachments are permitted to be used in the classroom without express permission from the teacher. Phones, headphones and smart watches are to be away and off before entering into the classroom. This will be strictly enforced.

I would encourage anyone having trouble with the material to reach out for extra help. Also, communicate with me if you have any questions or concerns about the class. I can’t help if I don’t know.

You must put forth your best effort in order to be successful, I can’t do it for you.

Do not expect email responses from me outside of the 7:15 - 3:00 time frame and weekends.

Check the Google Stream for the class before emailing me anything please.

I will not accept late work. This was my policy before the last few years and I will be enforcing it again. You will get one “free” missed homework per quarter (10 points).

Have a successful year!!!