Your Teacher

Hello Parents and Students in 6th Grade, Welcome to our class and Liberty Charter School

This is my 12th year teaching with LFCS schools. I began at the JA and was the first 6th grade teacher when Liberty was located on Spring Street. It is my 10th year as the lead teacher for the 6th grade team for LA and the JA. We have continued to develop our grade level programs that are more interesting and exciting every year. This year will be another great year.

I was born in Chicago, moved to Wisconsin, and then to the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota until 8th grade. Since then, I have moved to California, married, raised five children with a great husband and father, and lived in the foothills of East San Diego County. As our children were growing up we were concerned about their education and school choices were limited. LFCS was not teaching children our age and they were not able to enroll. Wanting to be involved with their schools, I was a parent volunteer and saw how important it was. Later, I was able to work in their middle school counseling office. As we look back, it becomes more clear how important these decisions were and knowing our children would soon be young adults and responsibly independent, I wanted to stay involved in supporting students. We made the decision for me to return to finish college and I completed my degree in Human Development/Liberal Studies, and the Teaching Credential Program at Christian Heritage College in El Cajon. It is a decision I will never regret.

I love being involved in others students lives and working with parents to support them in every way I can. We have four adult children including two married daughters, our oldest son, Chris, who used to work at Liberty Academy as a student facilitator, and our youngest son is now in the Navy. We are grateful to know they are using their educations and gifts to help their community and beyond. Enjoy your family and children while they are still young; the time goes by very quickly! As a parent, I appreciate all it takes to raise a child and will do my personal best each day to ensure your child receives the quality of LFCS education and experiences you desire for them. I look forward to finding ways for you to help us at school and getting to know everyone this year.

Teaching From the Heart

It is my goal to create and plan lessons and activities to help each student discover his or her special interests and develop their talents and skills to be used now and in their futures. I am passionate about teaching, guiding children, and working with families to watch them learn.