
Innovention Project


“Despite all of the advances of modern life, we continue to draw inspiration from the ancient world. Ancient culture’s influence is visible in our modern-day words and expressions, mythological references, laws, and values.” (Study Sync Workbook)

To learn more about STEAM and Innovation used in the past and in our modern world, students will complete a classwork/homework project packet in history to plan and create a visual model or display to show how ancient technological inventions are used to create innovative and modern inventions in our world today.

These classwork project planning journals will be worked on and completed at home and school with the help of teachers for the majority of the time, unless it is assigned as weekly home reading for history, and are due to history teachers in class April 12. Then, it will be time to design and engineer your Inno-Vention Project.

At-Home Project: Your final presentation and display will be approved by your teacher. A parent signature approving your home-crafted project is due in class April 12. The parent signature letter is attached. Projects will not be due until May 2.

“Innovation is taking two things that already exist and putting them together in a new way.”

Tom Freston

Visual Project Display Ideas:

  • Model of modern day innovative NEW invention you have designed and built using an ancient invention

  • Model of a modern day invention that is labeled with ancient invention components and how they are now used in a new way.

  • An ancient invention labeled with components.

In school, all students will be completing a tech presentation to be included with their model.

  • Tech presentation: Google Slides, or PowerPoint slides (Title, at least 2 photos labeled, one video, written summary, and MLA Reference page)

  • Prezi with the same information as PowerPoint, Google Slides.

  • A QR code will be made in class with a printed code available to scan

Your final display is due in your homeroom. You will bring it to

Liberty Academy on Thursday, May 2

Inno-Vention Night for Families

5:30 PM is set-up. Doors open at 6:00

“It’s not just about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.”

Due Dates and Points for the Project Assignments:

April 12th Project Classwork Packet Ideas #1-8 ______/80 History points

April 12th Approved project idea signed by parents ______/10 History points

April 18th Typed project summary ______/20 History points

April 30th Google Slideshow, PowerPoint or Prezi ______/50 History points

April 30th QR code is due ______/10 Science points

May 2nd your visual model is due in class ______/50 Science points


You will bring your display and QR code sheet to set up at 5:30 P.M.

Keep your planner up to date and check it often

Display Approval Signatures are Due April 12th

to your History Teacher

My child ____________________________________________________ Date __________

Homeroom Teacher Signature ________________________________________________

The display represents an invention from ancient __________________________________

The display will be a _________________________________________________________

The purpose of this display is to ________________________________________________



________I understand my child should do the visual display project work at home with limited adult supervision and is due in class on Thursday, May 2nd.

________I understand my child will be responsible to bring the same project to Liberty Academy for the Family Innovention Night at 5:30 on Thursday, May 2nd.

Parent Signature ____________________________________________ Date __________

Thank you for making this learning adventure an interesting and remarkable experience!

Your Sixth Grade Team,

Mr. Curry, Mrs. Lansford, Mr. Wahl, Mr. Dorsey, and Mrs. Warner

Research writing help: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/