October 23, 2018
Post date: Oct 23, 2018 4:19:48 PM
Gather Chapter 2 CW Packet together and staple with cover sheet (packets due tomorrow)
CW Road Trip Performance Task
Study for Ch 2 Test, Make sure Ch 2 CW packet is stapled and ready to turn in
Ch 2 Test Wednesday October 24th, Ch 2 Classwork Packets will also be due
Red Ribbon Week: Dress in your favorite sportswear tomorrow
Math E-book https://www.bigideasmath.com
Discuss Gravity Magnetism Comic (notes in your science notebook)
Free Fall Engineering Design Challenge
Generate ideas and choose one with your group
Tomorrow we will build and test your team's designs
Finish 1st pg. of free fall challenge (this part is independent)
Comic will be due tomorrow Wednesday October 24th
Sees Candy Fundraiser-all forms and money due Wed. Oct. 24th
| Attachments: Practice Journal Ch2.pdf