May 29, 2018

Post date: May 29, 2018 5:40:17 PM


Team Quiz  CW pg. 470 (1- 9,odds and #4 ) do not complete #5b

 Gather CW Packet together (due tomorrow)


HW Page Tue. Section, CW Packet due tomorrow 

*Ch 10 Test Tomorrow

*End of Course Exam (EOCE) and Textbook returns for all subjects will be Monday

Summer Math Program (Check out this program CVUSD is offering for students over the summer online! It's very wise to continue practicing math skills over the summer in order to get ready for 7th grade! I have already signed my boys up!)


"Relative Size"

How big is the moon compared to the earth?

    Relative size article (tape in your science notebook)


Update your science notebook with a new table of contents and tape in today's article if you are still needing to do so.

Work on positive slides presentation if needed (presentations will be Thursday)