2023/2024 Google Classroom Info

Parents and Guardians,

We will be using Google Classroom for the 2023-2024 school year. As a parent/guardian, you can be invited to join our Google Classroom in order to receive important classroom information. All you need to do is share your preferred email address with your student so it can be passed along to me OR email me directly. Then, you will receive an invitation to join our Google Classroom.

If you have previously subscribed to receive parent/guardian email summaries (from a former Google classroom teacher), you should be automatically subscribed to receive summaries. You can verify this information with your student and/or me.


What does this mean exactly? When parents/guardians join a student’s Google Classroom, they receive regular, automatic email summaries. Parents/Guardians choose the frequency of the emails—daily or weekly—and can unsubscribe at any time. Note: Daily means Monday to Friday. You won't receive email summaries on Saturdays or Sundays.

The Google Guardian Email Summaries include:

Note: Guardians who sign up for email summaries can’t see the Stream, Classwork, People, or Grades pages in Google Classroom.

Thanks for supporting your student and joining our Google Classroom to receive daily or weekly email summaries!