2022-23 Procedures and Syllabus


1st - zssynfm 5th - va2jjqp

2nd - 6bpdoyy 6th - ougawac

3rd - kau24ns 8th - bwqcvqs

CLASSROOM MATERIALS to bring everyday:

A BOOK of your choice to read



LAPTOP with charger and earbuds


Rubrics will be supplied for Product assignments, linked to Google Classroom.

Assessment on each rubric works on a 4-point scale.

  • 4 Accomplished 100%

  • 3 Satisfactory 85%

  • 2 Approaching 70%

  • 1 Very limited 55%

Target skills for each unit are assessed continuously, recursively, and students are encouraged to improve their initial scores/ assessments.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a 0%.

(A 0% grade in the gradebook means that a student demonstrated nothing in that target skill to be assessed.


(five to ten each Cycle)

Tests, Projects, Research Papers, Published Writing, Presentations


(aligned to skills)

Quizzes, Daily Work, Homework, Process Writing, Reflections


Students enrolled in English 2 continue to increase and improve their communication skills while preparing to be successful in their future work, college, and beyond. Expectations including analyzing texts, planning, drafting, revising, and editing written compositions on a regular basis. Students will edit their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English and are expected to produce final, error-free documents.

In English 2, students practice all forms of writing including persuasive, literary analysis, expository, and research papers varying in levels of complexity. Students will read extensively in multiple genres and interpret the possible influences of historical context on a literary work.


We regularly utilize technology to facilitate the work. Please bring your laptop, charged, each day. Make sure to regularly monitor Google Classroom, and also find our daily slide shows/ lesson plans. Since you will have your laptop, you will not need your cell phone and should not use it unless the teacher instructs you to do so.


English 2: Process work will not be accepted late (with exceptions for excused absences). All Product assignments have specific due dates. Students who miss the assigned due dates for product assignments must confer with teacher and can be allowed to turn in assignments on a case-by-case basis for current cycle only. Once report card grades are finalized, students can complete continuous improvement.

AP English Literature: All Product assignments can be turned in no more than 2 days past the deadline. (Example: 2 A Days or 2 B Days)


English 2: Students may redo any product grade to a specified deadline within the cycle. Process work turned in late would not graded (reflected in a 0 or a M) but the instructor will give feedback if the student requests.

AP English Literature: Students are allowed to redo/retake any Product assignment turned in on time (the original date). Redo's/retakes will occur after conferring with the teacher.


Students should retrieve their makeup work through Google Classroom, as well as consult any slide show/ lesson plan that they missed or would like to review.

SYLLABUS/ LEARNING MAP for ENGLISH 2: (list of Focus Skills for each cycle appears here)

Setting Up Systems & Launching Workshop (August 17 to September 2)

Reclaiming the Essay: An Exploration of Self & Community (September 6 to 23)

Tough Choices: A Study of Moral Dilemmas (September 27 to November 4)

Literary Analysis: A Study of Author's Craft (November 7 to December 16)

Rhetorical Analysis: A Study of Argument (January 3 to February 16)

The Graphic Novel: A Study of Visual Rhetoric (February 21 to March 31)

Testing as a Genre (April 3 to 14)

Service Learning: A Study of Community Engagement (April 17 to May 12)

Launching Summer: Reading for All (May 15 to May 26)


During a time when the instructor is not directly teaching the entire class, a student must request a handwritten, official hall pass.

Typically, one person at a time is permitted to leave the room. Clinic passes, also, must be paper passes issued by Mr. Rucker.


Virtus, Caritas, Civitas =

Courage, Compassion, Citizenship