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Dear English students, 2022-2023:

Welcome to high school English class, a workshop of your skills and interests, designed to invigorate your thinking and prepare you for the challenges of scholarship, college, and career!


I am a second-year teacher, if you consider that I have had 28 "first years" of experience as a teacher. Through my over two decades in the profession, every school year has been different, as has every child. Thankfully, that allows me to grow as well, becoming a different and hopefully better teacher each year.

My own two children have attended school in Leander ISD. The discussion of literacy permeates our lives, happily. My favorite authors include Neil Gaiman, Hunter S. Thompson, Joe Hill, and Kurt Vonnegut.

"We teach students first, then curriculum." -- Penny Kittle

I believe that every one of us has both gifted and challenged areas of competency. We have never learned enough. My task is to meet each of my students at their current level of mastery, along a variety of language-based skills, and together with them discover the next plateau of learning. All I really desire, demand, and expect of my students is that they feel engaged by learning -- challenged enough to care and see the value of moving forward -- as well as safe as a learner -- supported by all shareholders through a respectful consideration of ideas and personal growth.

I hope to get to know each of you this year in a way that increases your confidence while reading and writing!

All of us have exciting challenges ahead of us. (Seniors, I'm particularly eager to accompany you to the doorstep of LHS, anticipating what waits for you beyond.)


Sincerely, Mr. Rucker (he/ him)