The Scholarly Writing Retreat Conference

This premiere five day writing seminar is designed for aspiring and established scholars seeking to present their research at professional conferences and/or publish their work in refereed journals.  The retreat is based on a few simple premises: (1) a motivated, positive, and rigorous environment creates excellent work; (2) peer accountability and immediate feedback encourages productivity; and (3) scholarly work is enriched through collaboration. 

The retreat includes a week of structured workshops on productive writing habits, style and grammar for professional journals, strategies for rewriting and resubmitting, editing skills, and much, much more. Our goal is for each participant to arrive with a work in progress and leave with a manuscript prepared for submission.

Sample of Recently Published Retreat Projects:

Erin Rand, Reclaiming Queer: Activist and Academic Rhetorics of Resistance (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2014).

Eric Tymoigne (2014), “The Cost of Job Guarantee: Insights from the 1930s Work Programs,” Review of Radical Political Economy, 46 (4): 517-535.

Justin S. Vaughn and Jennifer R. Mercieca, The Rhetoric of Heroic Expectations: Establishing the Obama Presidency (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2014).

Goldsmith, D. J. and Domann-Scholz, K. (2013), "The Meanings of 'Open Communication' Among Couples Coping With a Cardiac Event," Journal of Communication, 63: 266–286.

Sarah Warren, “A Nation Divided: Building the Cross-Border Mapuche Nation in Chile and Argentina,” Journal of Latin American Studies (2013).

Ann Marie Rasmussen, Jutta Eming, and Kathryn Starkey, Visuality and Materiality in the Story of Tristan and Isolde (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012).

Therese Augst, Tragic Effects: Ethics and Tragedy in the Age of Translation (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2012).

Amy Lonetree, Decolonizing Museums: Representing Native America in National and Tribal Museums(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012).


Comments from Past Participants:

"I think that for me, the most important lesson was that writing can be such a pleasure! The simple yet productive daily format, your thoughtful, provocative, and elegantly structured lessons, the 'campfire' discussions, and the tremendous give and take of my writing partnership opened up space for creative flow. It was really fun, Mitch! And to experience that was tremendous."

--Ann Marie Rasmussen, PhD, Duke University

"The writing retreat was a wonderful experience! The opportunity to come together with other committed scholarly writers for a week on the Lewis and Clark campus helped jump-start my writing projects. During my week in residence, I completed a research proposal for fellowship applications due in fall, and I am pleased to report that I was successful in securing a yearlong fellowship! I credit the supportive and stimulating environment at the retreat with helping me tackle the writing anxiety that I was experiencing at the time and enabling me to finish an important research proposal. Mitch does a great job organizing the workshops and making everyone feel welcome. I recommend this retreat highly!"

--Amy Lonetree, PhD, UCSC

"Just wanted to share some good news. The paper I was working on at the writing retreat last summer just got accepted. Having the space to write at the camp and interact was a big part of the final stages of the paper... especially working with Deborah. Thanks again for putting the whole thing together last summer!"

--Peter Chow-White, PhD, Simon Fraser University

"As you know, I think so highly of the workshop: your wizidry in putting it all together and, in general, the importance of making time to really meditate on the materials and the writing. It's genius, and I couldn't be happier with my progress."

--Angela Marino Segura, PhD, Berkeley

“I cannot tell you how much sharper my writing has become as a result of that one week. Amazing.”

--Natasha Gaffoglio, CSULB

"Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it, and above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light."

                                                                                                        --Joseph Pulitzer

Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR

Inspiring places make for inspired prose...

But strong writing rarely happens in a vacuum... 

Writing communities are key to strong writing, and that's what we build at the Scholarly Writing Retreat