Memory Studies Institute

Studying Memory, Forgetting, and Commemoration

Three Initiatives

The Memory Studies Institute encourages students to become involved in the very practices of remembrance that fashion traditions, mold ethnic identities, and influence race relations on a local, national, and international level. This includes everything from how politicians use popular memories of past wars to either justify or condemn military action to how local activists and politicians struggle to fund memorials for ethnic minorities. The institute opens to students the world of public memory and encourage them to critically engage memorial texts, including history textbooks, autobiographies, biographies, eulogies, monuments, museums, the list goes on. Curiously, at the same time that these objects have an immense amount of influence on contemporary politics (in terms of influencing local and national identity) they are also taken for granted as politically inert by most citizens. One objective of this institute, then, is to encourage students to re-politicize the artifacts of public memory by beginning to ask critical questions about what these objects mean, who created them, and how they influence public culture.

A second objective for the Institute is to establish a space for interdisciplinary research between scholars at Lewis and Clark and other universities. A critical mass of scholars working in the area of memory studies already exists at Lewis & Clark College. However, these scholars lack a space to develop collaborative projects that could potentially evolve into large research programs generating conferences, journal articles, edited volumes, and books—all of which would enhance the prestige of the College and position Lewis and Clark as a leader in interdisciplinary research.

The Institute’s third objective is to house an archive of resources for lesson planning, course development, and student research projects. Several professors are already using memory studies concepts in their classes to engage their students. The institute will eventually offer those professors an opportunity to systematically develop complete courses related to memory studies. The Institute will also offer instructors at Lewis and Clark and teachers in the local area resources, sample syllabi, and sample lessons for teaching issues of memory in the classroom. Finally, the Institute will provide students working on related projects resources for generating ideas and producing informed and critical projects.

 Although the Memory Studies Institute is still young, it has already directed a number of exciting programs since its formation in 2007. Below is a brief list of successful programming directed, promoted, and/or supported by the Memory Studies Institute. You can find more information on these events and programs via the links under "Memory Studies Institute" on the menu at the top of the page.

Recent and Continuing Programming :

Long Term Objectives: