Día de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos animated short by Whoo Kazoo (3:07)

The Book of Life trailer (2:29)

What Day of the Dead is NOT:

1. Day of the Dead is NOT Mexican Halloween.

2. It is not morbid, scary or spooky. It is most definitely not violent or gory.

3. Day of the Dead has nothing to do with zombies, witches, the devil or magic.

4. It is not a time to dress up in costumes or to play pranks.

5. Day of the Dead does not take death flippantly.

6. The ofrendas or alters are not for worshiping the deceased.

7. Day of the Dead is not always sad.

What Day of the Dead IS:

1. Day of the Dead is the day for the dead -like our Memorial Day in the U.S.

2. It is a time to clean-up the graves and bring flowers to the graveyard.

3. Day of the Dead is an important Hispanic holiday –celebrated in many Spanish-speaking countries, including the U.S.

4. It is a time to remember those who have died.

5. Day of the Dead looks at death as a natural and expected part of life.

6. The ofrendas or alters are used to remember the deceased with his/her picture, favorite foods, drinks, activities and flowers.

7. Day of the Dead is a time to celebrate life by remembering loved ones who have died, but are not forgotten.