Our Projects


LMHS Food Bank

Poverty is a problem around the world. Sometimes it's hard to see those problems in such a small town, but it still exists.

We pursued the solution of having a school food bank created for students by students.

The club is working on a food bank to offer a variety of foods that can help make students live better and healthier.

For example;

-fresh and dried fruits

-meat; beef jerky



-healthy drinks

Opening Date: October 25, 2017




Ronald McDonald House

Interact members asked LMHS students and community members to save their pop tabs to donate to Ronald McDonald House. For each level of the jar that was filled, an incentive for the assembly was earned. With encouragement from the membership, Interact exceeded their expectations for collection and earned the following at an assembly:

  • Eating Contest on Upper Gym Stage: Ms. Sisson, Mr. Dary, Mr. Gischia and Mr. Carroll.

  • Rap Battle against a student or group of students: Mr. Quinn

  • Running of the Pacer Test: Mr. Vogel, Ms. Denzin, Mr. Murray, Mr. Navarro, Mr. Walden

  • Mr. Murphy emceeing the event.

  • Ice Cream during advisory the next day donated by Pizza Pit.


Anonymous Donors

Lake Mills Community Foundation

Lake Mills Moravian Church

Lake Mills Rotary Club

Lake Mills Thanks for Giving Food Drive

Sons of the American Legion

Summit Credit Union


Dental Products Supply Drive for Dental Health Month

As our initial project, we collected products and funds to purchase toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss for families in need.

Water Project - Philippines

Interact made a donation to the Lake Mills Rotary Club to support their clean water initiative in the Philippines. The project has been completed. A video is available on their blog: http://lakemillsrotaryclub.com/providing-clean-water/