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Current Units:

Junior High: Pickleball

Senior High: Golf/ Ultimate

Mrs. Polinsky's Web Page

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Lafayette Physical Education Daily Performance Rubric


The student:

-Is fully prepared and prompt for activity

-Actively participates to the best of their ability at all times

-Completes all the exercises in the warm up correctly

-Treats teachers, peers, activity and equipment with respect at all times

-Is aware of & abides by PE class/school rules and policies at all times

-Constantly uses appropriate language

-Exhibits cooperative, safe, helpful and supportive behaviors at all times


The student:

-Is fully prepared for activity and is tardy

-Actively participates to the best of their ability most of the time

-Completes most of the exercises in the warm up correctly

-Consistently treats teacher, peers, activity and equipment with respect

-Is aware of & abides by PE class/school rules and policies most of the time

-Occasional use of inappropriate language

-Exhibits cooperative, safe, helpful and supportive behaviors most of the time


The student:

-Is not prepared for activity and fully completes written assignment

-Most often be reminded to actively participate to the best of their ability

-Completes some of the exercises in the warm up correctly

-Needs to be reminded to treat teacher, peers, activity and equipment with respect

-Needs to be reminded to abide by PE class/school rules and policies most of the time

-Consistently uses inappropriate language

-Exhibits cooperative, safe, helpful & supportive behaviors some of the time


The student:

-Is not prepared for activity and partially completes written assignment

-Must be constantly reminded to actively participate to their ability

-Completes few of the exercises in the warm up correctly

-Needs to be constantly reminded to treat teacher, peers, activity and equipment with respect

-Needs to be constantly reminded to abide by PE class/school rules and policies

-Consistently uses inappropriate language

-Rarely exhibits cooperative, safe, helpful, and supportive behaviors


The student:

-Is Unprepared for activity, and does not complete assignment during class period

-Does not participate

-Completes none of the warm up exercises correctly

-Does not treat teacher, peers, activity and equipment with respect

-Does not abide by PE class/school rules and policies

-Uses inappropriate language

-Does not exhibit cooperative, safe, helpful and supportive behaviors

-Is absent from class 3 or more times a marking period

-Does not complete medical assignment during class period