
ONS/LaFayette CSD uses the EL curriculum for all ELA classes grades K-9.

ONS/LaFayette CSD will be using three EL modules per year in grades 6-9.  Each module has a topic and is based around an anchor text.  The modules are:

Grade 7

       Hidden Figures (Young Readers Edition) by Margot Lee Shetterly

       A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park

       Patient Zero by Marilee Peters

Grade 8

       One Last Word: Wisdom from the Harlem Renaissance by Nikki Grimes

       A Plastic Ocean by Craig Leeson and Trash Vortex by Danielle Smith-Llera

        Summer of the Mariposas by Guadalupe Garcia McCall


All students will need the following each day for class:


Grading for EL is set by the district.  Grades are determined using the following categories and percentages: 

*Students have the opportunity to do corrections on most assessments to raise their grade. The corrections are done as a group with the teacher. Dates and times of corrections are announced ahead of time. Students are expected to come for corrections during the scheduled time. Corrections are not offered outside of the scheduled time and students who choose not to attend are not able to make corrections for that particular assessment. Exceptions are made for students with a legal absence and they should make arrangements with the teacher within 3 days of their return.


EL has homework for each lesson. Homework for each lesson is posted in Google Classroom. Please see the types of homework assignments below:


The EL curriculum is challenging.  Students are asked to come to class each day prepared, ready to learn and willing to try.  Much of their learning is based on a progression of skills, so it is okay if they struggle at some points.  The key is to keep trying their best and keeping an open mind and a positive attitude.  Making sure all work done together in class is complete and asking for help when needed are important for learning and for grades.
