Research & Supervision

B.Sc. Final Year Projects

  • Rawen abubaker and Shoxan jabar : Synthesis TiO2/Nylon 6,10 Nano composition and Study their Antibacterial Activity. in a process.

  • Wrea Slahaddin and Hawraz koye Synthesis Al2O3/Nylon 6,10 Nano composition and Study their Antibacterial Activity. in a process.

  • Avin Ali tofeq, Extraction Caffeine in black tea by stander caffeine and determination by UV-spectrophotometer. chemistry department, koya university, 2014-2015, done.

  • Tania Salh, Extraction Caffeine in green tea by stander caffeine and determination by UV-spectrophotometer. chemistry department, koya university, 2014-2015, done.

  • Soran ali aziz, Synthesis nylon by recycling from (Soran city) manufacture. chemistry department, koya university, 2014-2015, done.

  • Raheal ahmmed, Extraction Caffeine in black and green tea by stander caffeine and determination by HPLC. chemistry department, koya university, 2014-2015, done.

  • Safe esmael, Determination viscosity and density at different temperature of olive oil, chemistry department, koya university , 2013-2014, done.

  • lavan heamdad, Determination alcohol in beer using back Titration method, chemistry department, koya university , 2013-2014, done.

  • Ali rase hama, Determination alcohol in beer using UV-spectrometer, chemistry department, koya university, 2013-2014, done.