
e-mail: rebaz.anwar@koyauniversity.org

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Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Rebaz Anwar Omer. I am Lecturer with a MSc degree in Environmental Organic Polymer chemistry, teaching in the Faculty of Science and Health at Koya University in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. analytical chemistry

2.Organic chemistry

3.polymer chemistry

4. Industrial Chemistry

I have been worked as a laboratory assistant in:

1. Analytical chemistry lab for first year

2. physical chemistry lab for second and third year

My research interests focus on;

1. Synthesis hydrogel from plant Oil

2. Synthesis hydrogel from polysaccharide

3. Synthesis hydrogel by Michael addition reaction methods

4. Determination physical and chemical properties for gel

5. Determination physical properties for Oil

6. preparation material as nano composition

7. Synthesis polymer nano composition