
In the academic year 2012-2013, at the FSCH, Department of Physics, I am teaching three courses namely;

1. Nanotechnology (4th year)

2. Electronics (3rd year)

3. Practical Electronics (3rd year)

Cousre 1 (code)

Stage: 4th year

Classroom: Phys (Hall 1)

No. of Students: 17

Course Book: Nanotechnology

Cousre 2 (code)

Stage: 3rd year

Classroom: Phys (Hall 2)

No. of Students: 27

Course Book: Electronics

Cousre 3 (code)

Stage: 3rd year

Classroom: Electronics Lab.

No. of Students: 27

Course Book: Practical Electronics


Final Exam. Nanotechnology

Final Exam. Electronics

Final Exam. Practical Electronics