Scoopie Night -- October 22, 2015

Culver's of Wales was filled to capacity as dozens of Magee families came together to share laughs during Scoopie Night on October 22, 2015. This fun event earned funds to help purchase new items for the Art Department at Magee.

Special thanks to the Magee staff volunteers who delivered orders to hungry customers!Mrs. Behnke ~ Mrs. Coss ~ Mrs. Gross

Mrs. Jones ~ Mrs. Kastner ~ Mr. Krieger

Mrs. Richards ~ Mrs. Schlueter ~ Mrs. Schuler

Ms. Stathas ~ Mr. Stuckert ~ Principal Sterner Mrs. Trost ~ Mrs. Woyahn

And Thank You to Mindy Miles for coordinating this very popular and successful event.

--All photos courtesy of Mike Brickl

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