Scoopie Night -- January 22, 2015

Magee families and friends showed up in full force to support the latest Magee Share Night at Culver's of Wales on January 22, 2015. Everybody looks to "Scoopie Night" as a great way to meet up with classmates, and share a laugh with Magee staff favorites. Tonight's event is held in support of the Music Department at Magee.Culver's of Wales will donate a percentage of all food and drink sales that came in between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00 PM back to Magee. Special Thanks to the Magee staff volunteers

who donned an apron and served our hungry Magee families throughout the night!Mrs. Behnke

Mrs. Coss

Principal Kresovic

Mr. Krieger

Mrs. Christine Dir Jones

Mrs. Kim Jones

Mrs. LaRoque

Mrs. Schlueter

Mrs. Schuler

Mr. Suhr

Mrs. Trost

Mrs. Woyahn

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