Scoopie Night -- January 14, 2016

Thank you to the many Magee families who came out and joined friends at another fun Scoopie Night at Culver's of Wales on January 14, 2016! Your support helped raise funds for the Music Department at Magee.

Culver's of Wales will donate a percentage of all food and drink sales that came in between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00 PM back to Magee.

Special thanks to the Magee staff volunteers who enthusiastically served countless dinners and desserts to our guests. Without your help, this event couldn't happen!

Mrs. Anderson

Mrs. Gross

Mrs. Grooms

Mrs. Coss

Mr. Hallagan

Mrs. Kastner

Mr. Krieger

Mrs. LaRoque

Ms. Stathas

Mr. Stuckert

Mr. Suhr

Mrs. Trost

Mrs. Wepfer

Thank you to Mindy Miles for her work in coordinating

this event on behalf of the Magee PTO.

We hope to see you all at the next Magee Scoopie Night on April 14, 2016!

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