Science Day 2015

Science Day was held at Magee Elementary on March 18, 2015. This special event offers a morning of hands-on, science-related activities for the kids. Divided into three unique morning sessions, a variety of educational activities are appropriately matched up to the different grade levels. The "big" assembly in the gym offered all Magee students the opportunity to learn about the KM Laser Robotics Team.

To see photos from Science Day break-out sessions, click on the links below.

All Grade Levels

KM Laser Robotics Team



"Animal Adaptations" (Retzer Nature Center)

1st Grade

"Fins, Flippers and Fun!"

"What's the Matter?"

2nd Grade

Wildlife in Need Center


3rd Grade



4th Grade

Mammals of Wisconsin

Optical Illusions

5th Grade



Thanks to family participation with a variety of PTO fundraisers,

the Magee PTO is able to donate funds to cover the costs associated with these special learning opportunities.

Thank You Magee Families!!

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