Magee Carnival Fall 2015

September 25, 2015: For the first time ever, the annual Magee Carnival took place in the Fall. This new schedule provides an opportunity for families to congregate and meet new friends right at the beginning of the school year. Unbelievably perfect weather provided a comfortable outdoor experience with giant inflatables in the parking lot. And the newly installed air conditioning inside the school offered cool temperatures in the Gym, Cafeteria and hallways. Thank You to the dozens and dozens of volunteers who donated their time and talents to make this a fun and successful Magee event!

The re-constructed Cafeteria (The Depot) provided a comfortable space for guests to enjoy a variety of food items and other sweet treats.

The Gymnasium served as the Midway for kids of all ages to test their skills.

Giant inflatables were a huge hit as families enjoyed the comfortable, warm temperatures.

The Raffle offered a HUGE variety of fun and exciting packages. Special thanks to Sarah Cohan and Tammy Worden for all of their hard work assembly and organizing so many great packages for this year's Raffle.

See you at the next Magee Carnival on September 29, 2016!!

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