Art 1, Art 2 Drawing, Advanced Art 3, and AP ART

 Mrs. Harper's & Mrs. Griffith's ART CLASSES!!

It is Art that makes life, makes interest, makes importance and I know of no substitute for the force and beauty of it's process ~ Henry James

 VISIT our Instagram Account to see Artworks, the students are working on:  @kilgorehs_art


Welcome to Mrs. Harper's Fine Arts class!!  I am very excited to teach ALL of my students how to make quality Artworks!  My classes are divided by:

ART 1 and ADVANCED ART 1 = Both Mrs. Griffith & I teach Art 1 classes.  Art 1 covers a WIDE RANGE of Artist Styles, and Techniques. However our MAIN focus is developing an understanding of the Art Elements and Art Principles.  These Elements & Principles are the fundamental building blocks, in order to build the students' skills and needs. Once these students take Art 1, they may venture to Painting or Drawing. Advanced Art 1 students will still be in the same Art 1 class, but they'll be given more challenging assignments to fit their academic needs.  However, if Savannah notices any Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors that need more of a challenge from Advanced Art 1, then we can move those students into Drawing or Painting.

ART 2  DRAWING = Taught currently by myself, for mainly SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS or SENIORS. This is a VERY important class, so students here will develop stronger drawing and design skills.  Skills such as: perspective drawings, more developed shading skills, portrait drawings, design drawings and even mixed media assignments.  These skills are needed for Painting and AP.  

ART 2 Sculpture = Taught by Savannah Griffith for mainly SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS or SENIORS.  You cannot take sculpture unless you've had an High School Art 1 class. Mrs. Griffith will teach a little bit on the basics and cover Clay techniques and other Sculptures made with different materials! For students wanting to pursue an AP Sculpture portfolio, this is NECESSARY!! 

ART 3 DRAWING/Mixed Media = Taught currently by myself, for Sophomores (who we feel are ready) but mainly JUNIORS and SENIORS.  In this class, I will make sure we cover the basics of painting first, then we will delve into more advanced Mixed Media and Painting assignments.  Such as: practicing and/or learning different shading techniques with dry media and all paint media.  Then we will learn how to create paintings with depth and meaning.  I want students to feel confident with Mixed Media & Painting, especially before they have AP with me.  This is another class for students who are serious about their Art and want to pursue Art after High School. 

AP ART = For only a few Juniors (if Mrs. Boyce and I feel these Juniors are ready), but MAINLY Seniors!! This is taught by myself.  I have extremely high expectations for the students entering this class and know they will continue to become well rounded professional Artists.  This is strictly for students who want to pursue some type of Art related career or pursue Art classes in College.  Students will be dedicated to reading extra given material and be responsible for compiling a  15 piece Artwork Portfolio.  Students are required to constantly evaluate and critique their Artworks to be AP ready. We will have class discussions and critiques over their Artworks, so we can all work as a team of Artists to build each other up.  Students are responsible for finishing ALL 15 Sustained Investigation Pieces, before or on May 1st! NO LATER!  

AP Art Students need to create :

1. 8-10 Pieces that Correlate around a specific theme, that is VISUALLY & Socially provocative. Their artworks must portray process-oriented decision making and risk taking (with materials and/or the subject/theme they've chosen). The artworks, must also show: workmanship, higher level skill and higher level techniques.  Students have from Sept. 3rd till April 26th to create their 8-10 pieces, in a timely manner.

2. 5 pieces, that can be unrelated to their specific theme, will be submitted on the AP Website no later than May 1st!!

Our Goal, here at KHS is to improve the Quality of Artwork, starting at the beginning (Art 1) and ending with more Advanced classes.  Mrs. Griffith and myself are dedicated to these students and we believe that "every student counts."  


Why - Because students will have the opportunity to work in the community & school to promote the importance of ART! Once you decide to sign up there will be an Art Fee and you MAY purchase a T-shirt (after we announce the T-shirt Design winner).
*You can purchase these items on the Revtrak link here =

Who - All Mrs. Harper's and Mrs. Grififith's Art students. If you don't have a fine Arts class ( art 1, ap art, drawing, painting), I won't be able to accept your fees.  Sorry, that's just the way it has to be! It'll be easier to contact you, if you're in  an Art Class!

Art Club Meeting: TBA, members will decide on a day, once or twice every month, in the morning or right after school. MEETING DATES WILL BE POSTED AROUND SCHOOL !!