Classwork and Grades

Since Read 180 is a class for MS students, they get a grade for the class.  Students will work through each lesson assigned.  Each lesson is divided into three main components:  small group with the teacher, independent reading and response, and application using the READ 180/System 44 online program.  Students will have a minimum of 3 test grades and 12 daily grades each nine weeks.  All of the graded assignments will be completed in class.

Grades will be taken on each zone in the lesson, time spent in the computer zone (see grading rubric below), RC tests on books they read, nine weeks RC points, monthly fluency,  revising and editing, Reading/Vocabulary zones, and workshop assessments.

Rubric for Grading Computer Zones per week:

Time in Zone Grade

in minutes/week

40+ 100

36 90

32 80

28 70

24 60

20 50

16 40

12 30

8 20

4 10

0 0

**Grades will be modified for shortened weeks, early releases, absences, and internet failure at the teacher's discretion.