Research Awards
2021 ACM MobiSys Best Paper Award
S. Kim, K. Bin, S. Ha, K. Lee and S. Chong, "zTT: Learning-based DVFS with Zero Thermal Throttling for Mobile Devices", ACM MobiSys 2021, Mars, Solar System, Milky Way, June 2021
2016 IEEE William R. Bennett Prize Paper Award
K. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Yi, I. Rhee and S. Chong, "Mobile Data Offloading: How Much Can WiFi Deliver?," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 21. No. 2, pp. 536-550, April 2013 (given to the best original paper published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking in 2013-2015)
2016 Haedong Grand Prize Research Award
Given to the Korean scholar who has made the most significant contribution to the advancement of communications research over the last 10 years by the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences and the Haedong Science Foundation
2016 KAIST Grand Prize Technology Innovation Award
Given to a KAIST professor who has made outstanding contribution to the advancement of technology in his/her research area
2013 IEEE William R. Bennett Prize Paper Award
I. Rhee, M. Shin, S. Hong, K. Lee, J. Kim and S. Chong, “On the Levy-Walk Nature of Human Mobility,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 630-643, June 2011 (given to the best original paper published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking in 2010-2012)
IEEE SECON 2013 Best Paper Award
J. Lee, H. Lee, Y. Yi, S. Chong, B. Nardelli and M. Chiang, “Making 802.11 DCF Near-Optimal: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation”, IEEE SECON 2013, New Orleans, USA, June 2013
2011 Top R&D Award of the Korea Communications Commission
Given to the best performance project among all university R&D projects funded by the government agency
1995 AT&T Trailblazer Award
For the development of an asynchronous serial interface network
Student Paper Awards (as advisor):
Bronze Prize at the 26rd Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2019
"Learning to Schedule Resources Throughput and Delay Optimally using Q+ Learning" (student: Jungmin Bae, PhD candidate)
Gold Prize at the 23rd Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2016
"Cloud or Edge: Hybrid Content Caching for Low End-to-End Latency" (student: Yeongjin Kim, PhD in 2017)
2016 Qualcomm Innovation Award
"Dynamic Pricing, Scheduling and Energy Management for Profit Maximization in PHEV Charging Stations" (student: Yeongjin Kim, PhD in 2017)
Silver Prize at the 22nd Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2015
"Dual-side Optimization for Cost-Delay Tradeoff in Mobile Cloud Computing Systems" (student: Yeongjin Kim, PhD in 2017)
2015 Qualcomm Innovation Award
"Dual-side Dynamic Controls for Cost Minimization in Mobile Cloud Computing Systems" (student: Yeongjin Kim, PhD in 2017)
Gold Prize at the 21st Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2014
“DREAM: Dynamic Resource and Task Allocation for Energy Minimization in Mobile Cloud Systems” (student: Joungho Kwak, PhD in 2015)
First Prize at the 2nd KAIST-LGE 5G Paper Awards, 2014
“Dynamic Speed Scaling for Energy Minimization in Delay-tolerant Smartphone Applications” (student: Joungho Kwak, PhD in 2015)
Second Prize at the 2nd KAIST-LGE 5G Paper Awards, 2014
“Virtual Cell Beamforming in Cooperative Networks” (student: Jihwan Kim, PhD in 2015)
Silver Prize at the 20th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2013
“Dynamic Speed Scaling for Energy Minimization in Delay-Tolerant Smartphone Applications” (student: Joungho Kwak, PhD in 2015)
Second Prize at the 1st KAIST-LGE 5G Paper Awards, 2013
“Wi-Fi Sensing: Should Mobiles Sleep Longer as They Age?” (student: Jaesung Jeong, PhD in 2014)
Bronze Prize at the 19th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2012
“CSMA-based Robust AP Throughput Guarantee under User Distribution Uncertainty” (student: Jihwan Kim, PhD in 2015)
Bronze Prize at the 19th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2012
“Energy-Optimal Collaborative GPS Localization with Short Range Communication” (student: Joungho Kwak, PhD in 2015)
Gold Prize at the 18th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2011
“Economics of WiFi Offloading: Trading Delay for Cellular Capacity” (student: Joohyun Lee, PhD in 2014)
Silver Prize at the 17th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2010
“ExMin: A Routing Metric for True Opportunity Gain in Delay Tolerant Networks” (student: Jaesung Jeong, PhD in 2014)
Silver Prize at the 16th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2009
"Max Contribution: On Optimal Resource Allocation in Delay Tolerant Networks" (student: Kyunghan Lee, PhD in 2009)
Silver Prize at the 14th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2007
“Radio Resource Management in Multi-hop Cellular Networks: Cross-Layer Design” (student: Jeongho Jeon, MS in 2008)
Silver Prize at the 13th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2006
“Load Balancing and Interference Management in Multi-cell Networks” (student: Kyuho Son, PhD in 2010)
Bronze Prize at the 9th Samsung Electronics HumanTech Paper Awards, 2002
“Max-Min Flow Control in Programmable Routers” (student: Sangyoon Yi, MS in 2003)