Learning Center
What is the Learning Center?
- It is a place for students to come and get one-on-one assistance with their homework.
- Some students may be placed in the Learning Center instead of Study Hall
- Contact the counseling office for more information
- Tests will be sent down to the Learning Center from teachers for students to take during their study hall, before school, after school, at lunch or during a free period.
- Many supplies are available for students to use, included but not limited to, art supplies, writing utensils, calculators, books, paper and binders.
Learning Center expectations are below, click on the document to see what is required of students and the contract they sign at the beginning of the year.
Students assigned to the Learning Center will:
- Be required to have a planner and use it daily.
- Be required to keep track of what is worked on daily in the Learning Center.
- Check grades on student portal every week
- Conference with Mrs. Schmidt about grades, missing work, and work ethics in their classes.
- Have a great school year!
Learning Center Daily Schedule:
1st period: 7:55 - 8:47 with
2nd period: 8:52 - 9:44 with
3rd period: 9:49 - 10:41 with
4th period: 10:46 - 11:38 with
5A: 11:43 - 12:19
5B: 12:24 - 1:16
6th period: 1:21 - 2:13 with
7th period: 2:18 - 3:10 with
Learning Center is opened in the mornings before school at 7:30 and after school until 3:30pm