Parent information

Please understand that it take time for your student to transition to the middle school. It is critical that you communicate with your child and with us, the teachers. In my classroom, I believe that parental involvement is essential for children to succeed in school. I encourage you to please become active participants in your child's educational journey.

Some ways you can help your son/daughter are:

1. Talk with your child, and ask them specific question about their day.

2. Become familiar with my homework policy and grading scale.

3. Sign up for Parent Portal and check your child's grades often.

4. Sign up for REMIND for easy communication with me.

5. Communicate with me as often as you need regarding any issues/problems.

6. Check the homework calendar daily, don't depend on your student to tell you.

7. Provide a specific time and a quiet place for your child to complete homework.

- they will have homework several time a week

8. Help you student study/teach them how to be organized.