Classroom Expectations
Materials: Make sure you have access to all required materials.
Pencils: It is a good idea to always have lots of extra pencils. You can keep your extra pencils in your locker. It's a good idea to buy another supply of pencils after the second quarter. This will hopefully last to the end of the year. Also, please sharpen your pencil before class begins.
Homework: Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless I have told you otherwise. Don't worry, I will always tell you when the assignment is due.
MA: All assignments are expected to be turned in. A score of MA will be assigned in the grade book until your missing assignment is turned in. This really drops your overall grade until it is turned in.
Tutoring: This is an opportunity to get one-to-one help from me after school. I want you to be successful. You can always request to stay after school for extra help.
Morning Tutoring begins at 7:35 and will end at 7:50 (first morning bell).
After School Tutoring time is 3:05 - 3:40. Make sure you set up a time for your parents to pick you up at 3:40.
Dismissal: When the bell rings for the end of the period, please remain in your seats until I dismiss you. I just want to make sure all materials are put away before you leave.
Drink/Restroom: It is important that you take care of this between classes. I promise you are given plenty of time. I definitely give exceptions if you aren't feeling well.
Absences: When you return from being absent, you are responsible for collecting the assignments you missed. Make sure you come in to Morning Tutoring the following morning to catch up on your missing work. Just ask for a pass to come to my classroom.
Tardies: If you are tardy to class, with a pass, give me the pass and go directly to your seat. If you do not have a pass, tell me this when you enter, go to your seat and join the class in what they are doing. Remember that three unexcused tardies will result in a detention (district policy).
Behavior: Respect yourself, other students , me, and any other adult in the classroom.
Douglas Middle School Grading Scale:
93 - 100% A
86 - 92% B
78 - 85% C
70 - 77% D
0 - 69% F