Practice Field Day - Sat., April 5, 2014

Post date: Apr 04, 2014 1:21:39 AM

Saturday, April 5, 2014, we held our Club mini-Field Day at Listowel Park (SW corner of 71st Street) in Shawnee. The weather was a bit chilly, but everyone had a great time. It only took us about 40 minutes to set up and begin operating. We used a Comet vertical, Hy-Gain 14AVQ vertical, two of our 30' end-fed UNUN matchbox wire antennae, and had a 100-Watt SSB phone station, a CW station, a QRP SSB station and a VHF station for the simplex call-in frequency, all powered by a very quiet generator. We operated under the Club call sign K0ANT. First contact of the day was to Poland.


 We were excited to have a number of non-members join us. It was great making new acquaintances. There were some very new HAMs in attendance who had not yet made any on-air contacts, and so it was exciting to help them make their first ever contacts, some of which were DX contacts. After we satisfactorily tested our Club stations and antenna configurations, some of the newcomers who brought out their own equipment were able to get on the air and test their own rigs using our Field Day antenna arrays.


Thanks to everyone for a great outing. Thanks to member stations Jim KB0MZF, Ruth KB0USC, Glenna KD0EWF, Bob W0CC, Don KC0WTT. Special thanks to Tim KC0FEZ for use of the generator. Thanks to our non-member participants Brad KC0DWV, Gabriel KD0NYC, Matt KD0ZIT and Greg KD0ZOW.