For Teachers

One of the best ways we've found for students to learn their spelling words is through the spelling and word meaning quizzes and games within Word Club, the Bee's premier study app. This year, the Word Club app is completely free, meaning students can learn all 450 words on the School Spelling Bee Study List plus the 4,000 words in Words of the Champions, the Bee's regional study list, by simply downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play.

Online Spelling Platform

Look for the email sent to you from Scripps.

Use the link to Register. Each time you login, Scripps will email a verification code.

Once you have created your account, login to: .

Create the Test

-use the timed setting

-Add Title “grade Last Name” Ex. 1 Ahern

-Choose Question Type: Type in the Word

-Total words is 50: 30 spelling words and 20 vocabulary words

-Enter Start Date 1/16/2023 and End Date 1/20/2023

-Check “show score”

- Choose if you want to include words that are not on the study list. Recommended for classes with a high potential for a tie

Help your students prepare by:

1. Be sure to attach the One Bee pdf list (K-3) or Two Bee pdf list (4-5) in your email home to parents

2. Create a quiet test environment

3. Students should have a book in their desk to read while they wait for others to finish