
Every Day

  • Make sure Circulation and Self-Checkout computers are logged in and ready for kids.

  • Check in all books.

  • Help kids find and checkout books. (You may need to call the classroom to make sure kids are coming. A phone directory is attached to the counter by the phone)

  • Shelve Books

As Time Allows

  • Straighten shelves. Take a section and put books in order.

  • Repair books. Supplies are in the back room. (See Book Hospital Page)

  • Copy and cut bookmarks. Folder of printable bookmarks. My copy code is 030422. It is taped the the keyboard shelf under the circulation desk.

  • Create a book display. Use these guidelines. Place books on top of shelves.

  • Create a bulletin board promoting books. Butcher paper, construction paper, and die cut letters are in the workroom accessed through the gym. Office staff can help if you have questions.