About the Class

  • The point of a middle school science course is not to memorize a bunch of facts about our world and how it works. Rather, we will focus on learning how to think critically, collect information skeptically but efficiently, problem solve through collaboration, and tackle problems with hands-on solutions.
  • The course syllabus contains most of what you need to know about how my class is structured and what you and your student can expect in terms of basic classroom rules, science units, and grading policies.
  • The only place with more information throughout the year will be my Google Classroom. Your student's Jeffco username and password will get you into their google classroom accounts.
  • If your student claims they cannot access their Google Classroom at home for any reason, please email me or call the front office and we will remedy the situation ASAP! Students are given ample class time to complete work!!!
  • Note for guardians: the overall grade in Google Classroom should be ignored. Your student's grade for my class is official ONLY in their Infinite Campus account. I will transfer any needed assignments/scores from Google Classroom to Infinite Campus.