Mrs. Little's Bio

Mrs. Little has been teaching 5th grade at Bradford since 2003. She states that she has always known that she wanted to be a teacher since the 6th grade! She spent her teenage years babysitting, working in day-cares, and participating in internships. Mrs. Little grew up in a suburb of DC, and went to East Carolina University for her Education degree. Her first teaching position was in Georgia. While teaching in Georgia, she met her husband and continued to teach for three years at Barksdale Elementary. At that point in time, she and her husband decided to move to the best state in the US: Colorado!! She was fortunate enough to land her dream job at Bradford. Since she has been teaching at Bradford, Mrs. Little and her husband have added three children to their family, a loving cat, and a Master's Degree in Reading Instruction.

Mrs. Little believes that,

"Bradford’s a great school, and I love being a part of it!"