Get Involved

How to Join a Show

Go to the company meetings during advisement and after school to find out more information regarding auditions! 

For more information about a specific show, check out the respective page on this website!


No matter what place you have, shows are huge commitments that often include long hours and five day work weeks (depending on what you do). If you are involved in other clubs/sports that may interfere with a theatre schedule, you might not be able to participate in a show. Also note, once you are in a show you are fully committed to your role/crew and may need to do additional research into the show. Please remember that you are a student FIRST then a performer so if your grades are not maintained you may be cut from production.

Audition Workshops:

All Cast and Crew forms due + Audition Date:

Audition Workshops:

Dance Teach Days: 

All Cast and Crew forms due + Audition Dates (dance included):

All Information regarding the Senior Show will be posted as soon as possible!

Improv Club - Interested in a non-committal improv opportunity? Improv Club meets twice a month for some fun and low stakes improv! 

Any Improv related questions contact the Improv Directors, Ari Sarconi and Rosie O'Dorisio or check the respective Improv page.

Interested in Taking a Theatre Class? 

Check out our Promo Video as well as our list of current course offerings below!

Theatre Promo Final Draft.mp4

*Any questions regarding classes/class schedules contact Lindsey Welsh at*