Class Blog 2018-19

Squiggles - 5/24/19

Once in a while, we get to think outside the box. Here's how:

Alice the Amaryllis 3/22/19

We've been practicing our scientific observations with a time-lapse recording of our blooming amaryllis plant that Mrs. Kusch Marshall gave us.

Germs and Illnesses 3/13/19

Our third graders completed a book study about illnesses and germs. They used a Google Slideshow to show what they learned from their books and practiced their speaking and listening skills when they presented to the class.

All about colds
All About Allergies
All about colds
All About Sore Throats
All about pink eye
all about allergies
Chicken pox
All About Asthma
Chicken Pox
All about sore throats
The Flu
All about ear infections
Pink Eye
All About Ear Infections
All about Asthma

Multiplication Help 2/11/19

Milaina sent me a link today of a song to help third graders learn their x3s. When I looked at the video, I found that the teacher had posted many other math videos and some on other topics. Thanks, Milaina! Here's the link: .

I have a friend named Mrs. DeBolt who teaches at Laura MacArthur. She sent me a bunch more multiplication videos that I will share with you.





6x: and

7x: and



We love Math!

During our second semester, our third and fourth graders both learn about fractions and (a little about) decimals in the Rational Number Project. Third grade will continue with multiplication and division operations and will study time and temperature measurements. Fourth graders learn to divide numbers with multiple digits using several strategies and will use metric and customary measuring tools. We will incorporate games to practice math and social skills at the same time. It's all fun learning during our Math block.

Sailor of the Week STEM Challenges 1/29/19

I recently had a parent ask about my expectations for the STEM Challenges that the Sailor of the Week chooses for our Morning Meeting Activity on Friday. I expect that students will choose something that will help us practice the four Cs of STEM: Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Communication. The challenge should not cost a significant amount of money, nor should it require parent help. I like the student to introduce the project or activity, and then demonstrate or allow for partner or group learning, and then have students present their findings and learning. Some of my favorites have been math/logic challenges done in pairs, paint color mixing, seasonal pumpkin vomit (chemistry), and circuit-making. I have a stash of supplies, which are mostly recycled and reused materials sent in by families. We have building materials available in our media center and a cart of Chromebooks available. We also have a small classroom budget for materials, if necessary. I put a few links below with ideas for STEM Challenges. As always, please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Mindfulness 1/28/18

I had an opportunity to learn about using mindfulness with children today. I have collected a few resources for you, as parents and other adults who care for children. Please consider helping children to find their own mindfulness and expect that I will do the same in our classroom.

Second Semester Initials Week 1/21/19

Our first semester went smashingly well. We have learned lots of routines and we've gotten into a groove. Now, at the start of the second semester, we will be brushing up on our study skills for next year. We will be getting ready for switching classes in fourth and fifth grade and we will focus on using our planner for planning and homework. Math and Reading work will be sent home daily, like homework, before we go over it in class. Be sure it comes back to school. Our diligence in these independent learning skills will help a great deal in the future.

Initials Week comes with lots of parent involvement. Your student will bring home lots of classwork each day and will show you what we do in the classroom. Please initial the check-off sheet indicating that your student took the responsibility to share our classwork. Also, be sure your student has checked off completed work in his/her planner and initial there, too.

Updated Planner Page 1/21/19

I combined the third and fourth grade planner page that we update every day. Above, click Academics and Planner to see our daily work. Please let me know if you need clarification on any assignment.

Class Blog Reboot 1/21/18

I've been using Class Dojo for parent communication this year and I've found that some parents aren't getting all the information I'd like. So, I'm switching back over to the Class Blog. I'm going to have to learn how to do it because the district has updated software, so please be patient with me. I just added my first picture! Hopefully parents and students will find this format to their liking.

New School Year — Aug 28, 2018 1:14:04 AM