Schuler Shoes Burnsville

Find that perfect pair of shoes for the holiday or winter season at Schuler Shoes, Burnsville on December 12 and 13 and support BrainPower.

everlight solar, savage

Thank you, Everlight Solar, Savage for a great food drive!!!

Donation Questions -- how you can help

If you have any questions regarding how to make a donation, please contact Pam Voigt at or via phone at 612.819.4404.  


Sponsor a BrainPower Student

Your financial contributions to BrainPower in a BackPack are greatly needed and appreciated. Contributions to Independent School District 191 are tax deductible.

Sponsor a food item via a donation

Sponsor a BrainPower pack for 600 students = $2,000

Mail your donations to:

Pamela Voigt, BrainPower in a BackPack 

Burnsville High School

600 Hwy. 13 East

Burnsville, MN 55337

Please make checks payable to ISD 191. One hundred percent of your donation is used to purchase food. Thank you! 

Donations may be either mailed to or dropped off at Burnsville High School at the above address.

Online Donations

BrainPower is using the website for online donations.  Please click the link below and click on DONATE.


BrainPower in a Backpack food should be easy-to-prepare, kid-friendly, and nutritious. The packaging should be simple enough for a young child to open; no glass and no expired food, please. Foods should be non-perishable. Here are some food ideas: 

Where To Drop Off Or Schedule a Pick Up?

Would you, your neighborhood, organization or faith community like to do a BrainPower Food Drive?  Let us know by contacting Pam Voigt at  BrainPower will schedule a pick up of your donated food items along with providing collection boxes (if needed), signage and publicity information.

All you need to do is donate the food and have a drop off location for donations.  

Please contact Pamela Voigt at or 612.819.4404 with the when and where and we will help out with planning, promoting and pick ups, promote and publicity.

Check out the highlights from the ONE91 All Staff Back to School SOUPER Food Drive!!!!